Davina Jennile


Davina Jennile is a Behaviorist, Relationologist Coach, Speaker, and Early Interventionist Clinical Trainer that gives a fresh, raw, and real perspective on mental illness, career development, autism, entrepreneurship, and relationship coaching for single and divorced women. She is a graduate of Ball State University with a Master of Art in Applied Behavior Analysis, with a specialization in Autism and Neuropsychology. Davina received her undergraduate degree from Georgia Southern University, and currently works as a private practice contractor to companies and the State, as a behaviorist and trainer.

Davina combined her professional and personal experience of understanding “learned behaviors” and started Davina Jennile, LLC. She uses her passion and background to help other single and divorced women with finding the answers to “Am I ready for a relationship now? Have I self-healed and can I move forward? What does a healthy relationship look like for me?” and women entrepreneurship by understanding how our “brain function” of fear can play a psychological obstacle on entrepreneurship and overcoming our fears to successfully reach our goals.

Outside of work, Davina is actively volunteering within her community, working out, or with her two beautiful cats. She is an active member of the Junior League of Atlanta (JLA) and Black Therapist Rock (BTR).

To connect with her, email at info@davinajennile.com or visit www.davinajennile.com