Raising Roots Jules


Raising Roots Jules is a wife and mother of two small children. She is expanding as an international speaker and trainer for her company, Raising Roots LLC, which promotes childlike growth in the adult world to unfold more fulfilling, freeing ways to live. Before the birth of her son, Zayden, she only knew to operate out of five things: hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism. Living that way made her numb and emotionless. However, once she held a raw human life in her hands, a feeling of love rushed over her like a heart-stopping memory. She became aware that her way of living wasn’t living at all and stood still long enough to realize that her son, and soon after him, her daughter would hold all the answers toward rediscovering the best version of herself—her childlike self.

To learn more about her work, contact her at:

Email: raisingrootsjules@gmail.com

Website: http://www.raisingroots.biz